Monday, February 14, 2011

Empire Earth

Empire Earth game 




Control the destiny of a fledgling civilization through as many as 500,000 years of human history. From meagre beginnings you must exploit the natural resources around you to build an empire capable of dominating the Earth. But your rise to supremacy will not go unchallenged. As was the case throughout history, rival civilizations are certain to oppose you every step of the way. New technologies, buildings and weapons become available as your civilization progresses through history. But bear in mind that advancement does not necessarily mean success. Your civilization might flourish during one Epoch only to be crushed in the next... 
Size: 539.82 MB
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  1. اللعبة بعد ما تشتغل بتجيب صورة سودا وبس على كدة اية الحل

  2. انا حملتها وجربتها وشغالة اكيد فيه مشكلة ممكن فى كارت الشاشة بتاعك او ناقصك برنامج


My Time At Portia

My Time At Portia   Start a new life in the enchanting town of Portia! Restore your Pa’s neglected workshop to its former glory...